Do You Still Remember These Special Ideas for Smart Door Locks in the Day?

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Since the smart locks become hot sale, this track had become very crowed and had attracting many cross-border big companies entered this trade. After more people and companies involved in the industry, the competition is more intense. Therefore, some companies in order to gain a foothold in the fierce competition, they try to do everything possible to make more excellent on the lock – therefor a variety of oddball features and ideas are net lock with.

So, how many special ideas for smart locks do you still remember?

Advertise advertisement on big screen and app on the smart door locks

Although the smart lock screen is a product that has only been hot sale in the past two years, but in fact, as early as around 2017, companies have applied the large screen in the smart lock, while then the large screen is mostly used to view the visitors and status outside the door, its main function is to set up the door lock – like operating a cell phone can be set to the door lock.

Except door lock setting on the large screen, some companies were thinking: this big screen can have extra functions except settings, whether it can do something on it, with this thought the idea of advertise on the big screen came into being. At that time, the idea of these companies has simple thinks: the user will be annoyed to see the ads every day, so the advertising fees received and the user share, that the user should not be tired of selling ads on the big screen of the smart lock.

In addition to selling ads on the big smart lock screen, some companies also intend to sell ads on the APP, but the reality is bone, these two channels to sell ads are now difficult to achieve – on the one hand, because companies do not have the ability to operate advertising, on the other hand, there are few smart lock companies, that the not worth the investment of advertisers.

The idea of selling ads on the big smart lock screen and APP ended without a good result.

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Smart lock sharing way 

Smart door locks no need to buy from the market, you can use them by paying rent.

Like as in the sharing of bicycles, sharing charging treasure, sharing cars, sharing vending cabinets and other sharing economy is in full swing, many companies are also wondering: smart locks can also share a pie of the sharing economy?

So, the idea of sharing smart locks, smart lock rental also came into being. Some companies promote the sharing of smart locks and smart lock rental business for a worthy usd300.0 smart door locks can take home as long pay for some deposit, after that can pay monthly or daily rent enjoy the smart door locks.

From the rental side, monthly less than a dozen dollars, more than a few dozen dollars, down to less than a dollar a day, don’t want to use the original lock can be replaced at any time, and is the business free door-to-door disassembly and installation. It seems to be very cost-effective, but at last only few users buy, with the simple reasons: few years ago, the awareness of the smart door lock is not as high as now; on the other hand, the smart lock keeps the family’s private belongs, so many users will not to rent a smart lock.

So, at last, the smart lock rental also did not do up.

After the epidemic:  temperature measurement and antibacterial on smart door locks  

Temperature Detect Device Of Smart Locks

During Covid-19, “new crown pneumonia” epidemic swept the world, not only the global economy into an unprecedented predicament, but also the global health of people affected. In this context, some companies in the smart lock industry think that there may be a market for products that help to alleviate the epidemic –

Therefore, the smart lock with temperature measurement function came out, the user only need to touch the temperature sensor on the lock when going out, the smart lock on the big screen will show the body temperature at the time, looks very practical, but in fact the use rate is not high, no one in and out of the house will think about taking the temperature, only after the fever will deliberately take the temperature, and the smart lock measured temperature is not necessarily accurate. Although such products are still in circulation in the market, but is not the main product.

In addition to temperature measurement smart lock, antibacterial smart lock during the epidemic was also once promoted by some companies. Although antibacterial smart lock is not a product only in recent years, as early as about 2013 ancer had launched antibacterial smart lock – the so-called antibacterial smart lock, is the smart lock surface spraying a coating with antibacterial effect, this coating than the ordinary surface treatment process is costly, so there is no large-scale application in the industry.

Weather forecast smart lock  

Can go out to know various weather conditions

Smart door lock with a large screen, connected to the network, can do more things, such as remote visual intercom, remote monitoring, as well as the aforementioned on the large screen to sell advertising. In addition, some companies have built the weather forecast function into the smart lock, which seems very practical.

When you go out, just click the following screen button, you can understand the weather conditions of the day, as well as the clothing index, UV index, whether it is suitable for washing the car, whether you need to bring an umbrella, etc., but in fact no one goes out deliberately to click on the screen button to check these fresh, because weather forecast check cell phone can be achieved anytime, anywhere.

Therefore, the weather forecast function on the smart lock seems somewhat redundant.

Fingerprint smart door lock

Emergency power generation, when out of power Hand cranking the handle can be emergency charging 

Around 2017, a Beijing company in launched a smart lock product that can be hand-cranked to generate electricity – when the smart lock runs out of power and forget to carry the key and rechargeable battery, you can turn on the power switch on the handle, and then rotate the handle up and down a few times to generate electricity, thus enabling emergency opening.

At that time, this function seems very novel and practical, but ultimately not large-scale commercialization, the reason is very simple: the influence of that company in the industry is not enough, in addition to this company is rarely promoted, so the users who know this function is very small.

Later, in the emergency power supply, some companies also reverse charging function, wireless charging function and other applications in the smart lock, for high cost and other reasons, many smart lock products still use the “rechargeable battery + data” emergency power supply mode.

In addition to the above five features and ideas, you know what other odd ideas and features related to smart locks, now in the smart lock can still see?

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